We invite Canadian politicians, public figures, community members and allies to take the Pledge the Defend Rainbow Equality. This pledge was designed by the Society of Queer Momentum as part of a National Rainbow Week of Action taking place from May 11th to 17th 2024. During this week of action, thousands of Canadians will be coming together to speak up for rainbow equality, against rising hate, and a more free and equal future for all our families.

As we see anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate rise, elected officials and others in positions of influence have an important role to play to show our support for human rights and equality. 

What is the Pledge for Rainbow Equality? 

The pledge is very straightforward. The pledge is to: “defend rainbow equality - because a more free and equal Canada is a better Canada for everyone”. By taking the pledge, you commit to supporting the rights and freedoms of 2SLGBTQIA+ people in Canada.

Once you have taken the pledge, a unique visual will be created that you can share. We encourage you to share on social media. We have created two sample messages below to facilitate sharing if you so desire. 

Sample 1: As the (insert elected office) for (insert constituency) I am proud to sign @queermomentum’s Pledge to Defend Rainbow Equality. I will always speak up to defend the human rights and dignity of 2SLGBTQIA+ people in Canada.

Sample 2: Alongside thousands of people across Canada I am speaking up for #RainbowEquality. That’s why I’m proud to sign @queermomentum’s Pledge to Defend Rainbow Equality! Learn more about how you can support a more free and equal Canada: www.rainbowequality.ca

We encourage you to consider attending a rally in your community within the week of action. You can find a list of rallies here.

Please note that only the First Name, Last Name, Title and Organization sections auto populate into the shareable. Other sections (email, phone number and endorsement quote are not added to the visual.

Will you pledge to defend Rainbow Equality?

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